Bro. Ian Heisser

In September of 2022, Hon. Arthur R. Thomas, Esq. informed the National Sigma Beta Club Foundation Board of Directors that he was ready to step down from being the organization’s President. He expressed his desire for new leadership that shared a common vision and purpose of mentoring our youth males between the ages of 8 – 18 throughout the United States and abroad. The search for the next President did not take long as the Board of Directors looked within their ranks and elected Bro. Ian P. Heisser as the second National Sigma Beta Club Foundation President.

Bro. Heisser has served the Foundation as a Board Member, Regional Coordinator of Sigma Beta Clubs for the Western Region, and Committee Member of the Rise and Thunder Framework and the Sigma Beta Club Operations Manual. His dedication to the Board and, more importantly, to our Sigma Betas made him a strong, natural choice for the Presidency.