About Us

Founded: 1950
Affiliation: Youth Auxiliary of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated
Motto: “The Next Generation of Leaders Accepting the Responsibility and Loving the Challenge.”
Members: Young men ages 8 to 18


Dr. Parlett L. Moore


In the early 1950s, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity became the first Greek organization to develop a youth auxiliary group. Under the direction of Dr. Parlett L. Moore (pictured) the Sigma Beta Club was founded. While as National Director of Education, Brother Moore was concerned about our changing needs in our communities and recognized the important role that Sigma men could play in the lives of our youth.

On April 23, 1954, the first Sigma Beta Club was organized in Montgomery, AL. Throughout its existence, Sigma Beta Clubs have been an essential part of the total organizational structure of many of the Alumni chapters of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. and offers men of Sigma a unique opportunity to develop wholesome value, leadership skills, and social and cultural awareness of youth at a most critical stage in the youth’s personal development.

In addition to the national programs of Sigma Beta Club, it also focuses on Culture, Athletics, Social and Educational needs. Sigma Beta Club programs are geared to meet the needs of its members, but at the same time provide them with a well-rounded outlook that is needed to cope with today’s society. Phi Beta Sigma is confident that investing in our youth today will produce effective leaders of tomorrow.

Sigma Beta Clubs also provide services to youths in their communities. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. interest in fostering the development of youth into effective leaders has been realized in the establishment of strong and productive Sigma Beta Clubs all across the country.


Arthur R. Thomas, Esq.


During the 1997 National Conclave, Hon. Arthur R. Thomas, Esq., then the International President of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., proposed and adopted Section X to the National Constitution & Bylaws, thus creating the National Sigma Beta Club Foundation.

On June 1, 2005, under the direction of President Thomas, the National Sigma Beta Club Foundation was established with the expressed purpose of developing policies and procedures for the operation of the youth affiliate entity of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity- its Sigma Beta Clubs. This National Program, under the directions of the National Sigma Beta Club Foundation, fostered the beginning of a new era in the history of Phi Beta Sigma, which resulted in the chartering of Sigma Beta Clubs through its youth mentoring program of youth males between the ages of 8 – 18 throughout the United States and abroad.


Bro. Ian Heisser


In September of 2022, Hon. Arthur R. Thomas, Esq. informed the National Sigma Beta Club Foundation Board of Directors that he was ready to step down from being the organization’s President. He expressed his desire for new leadership that shared a common vision and purpose of mentoring our youth males between the ages of 8 – 18 throughout the United States and abroad. The search for the next President did not take long as the Board of Directors looked within their ranks and elected Bro. Ian P. Heisser as the second National Sigma Beta Club Foundation President.

Bro. Heisser has served the Foundation as a Board Member, Regional Coordinator of Sigma Beta Clubs for the Western Region, and Committee Member of the Rise and Thunder Framework and the Sigma Beta Club Operations Manual. His dedication to the Board and, more importantly, to our Sigma Betas made him a strong, natural choice for the Presidency.

Building Futures,
One Program at a Time.

Academic Enrichment & Mentoring

Club members receive academic assistance and leadership development at the elementary, middle and high school levels. This happens through one-on-one and group approaches to tutoring of Sigma Beta Club members and after school and weekend tutoring by Alumni and Collegiate members in various academic and professional disciplines. Additionally, Sigma Beta Clubs develop partnerships with local institutions, inclusive of colleges and universities, community colleges and trade schools.

Sigma Against Teenage Pregnancy Plus

The primary area of focus of the SATAPP Program is providing Sigma Beta Club members with tools they need to make smart choices about healthy lifestyles that will help lead to responsible fatherhood later in life.

Job Training, Savings and Investment

Club members increase their awareness of business ownership as well as the importance of saving and investing at an early age. Club members also learn about various professions via internships, job shadowing, and other avenues to visit job sites.

Childhood Obesity Initiative

The Sigma Beta Club Foundation’s Child Obesity Initiative focuses on the mind, body, and spirit. The primary objective is reducing weight and reversing the poor health of adolescents at an early age through the following principles:

  • Stepping into shape
  • Eating healthy
  • Exercising daily
  • Knowing the obesity facts
  • Learning how to grow your own food
  • Self-esteem matters
  • Advocacy

Community Service & Enrichment Programs

Sigma Beta Club members are required to conduct a variety of community service projects. These may include but are not limited to serving the elderly, March of Dimes: March for Babies, Sickle Cell Centers, visiting children in hospitals, volunteering at their library, working with children with disabilities, cleaning up their neighborhood, etc.

In addition to our organization-wide initiatives, local clubs also participate in a variety of enrichment programs that cover the following categories:

  • Cultural: art shows, plays, concerts, museums
  • Social: parties, parents’ day, cook-outs, movies
  • Athletic: football, baseball, golf, basketball, bowling

National Sigma Beta Club Foundation

The National Sigma Beta Club Foundation was incorporated on June 1, 2005. It was organized for the purpose of developing policies and procedures for the operation of the of Sigma Beta Clubs, the youth affiliate entity of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. Our Sigma Beta Club members consist of young males between the ages of 8 and 18, which is organized with the expressed purpose of insuring that the goals and objectives of the Sigma Beta Clubs are implemented in an organized and unified method. 

The Sigma Beta Clubs of Phi Beta Sigma offer unique opportunities to exemplify wholesome values, leadership skills, educational enhancement, business training and development, and social and cultural awareness to male youths at a most critical stage in their personal development. The Foundation is responsible for approving the charters of Alumni Chapters within the seven regions of the fraternity and for establishing and promoting programs, projects and activities within Sigma Beta Clubs, inclusive of providing training of chapters and advisors, inclusive of organizing and conducting seminars, and forums for the certification of advisors It also conducts award and recognition programs in recognition of the achievements and accomplishments of Sigma Beta Club Chapters, Advisors and Members. One of the primary functions of the Foundation is to obtain funding to help facilitate the Foundation’s programs and activities for Sigma Beta Clubs and to identify and obtain funding sources to promote Sigma Beta Club activities within the various Sigma Beta Club chapters throughout the Fraternity.

Board Members

Mr. Ian P. Heisser

Board Chair – National Sigma Beta Club Foundation


Dr. Philip Harris

Board Vice Chair


Mr. Melvin Kaufman, Jr.

Board Secretary


Mr. Sammie L. Walthour

Board Treasurer


Mr. Mark Allmon

Board Member

Mr. Arthur R. Thomas, Esq.

President Emeritus

Mr. Brandon Brown

Board Member

Rev. Andre Duncan

Board Member

Mr. Jacob Gillison

Board Member

Mr. Larry Hemingway

Board Member

Ms. Virna Springer

Board Member

      Mr. William Kellibrew

      Board Member

Dr. Emmanuel Rowe

Board Member  


Dr. Marcus Chaney

Board Member 


There are Seven Regions that are responsible for maintaining the operational side of the National Sigma Beta Club Foundation which the International Coordinator oversees these efforts. The current Regional Coordinators are as follows:

Mr. Courtney Souvenir

Eastern Regional Coordinator


Dr. Liyongo Tolin

Great Lakes Regional Coordinator


Mr. Timothy McDaniel

Gulf Coast Regional Coordinator


Mr. Mark Allmon

Southeastern Regional Coordinator


Mr. Willie Diggs

Southern Regional Coordinator


Mr. Frederick Parson

Southwestern Regional Coordinator


Mr. Agha Ali Khan

Western Regional Coordinator


Join Us in Nurturing Leaders!

Together, we can inspire, mentor, and transform. Donate today, volunteer your time, or explore partnership opportunities. Let’s work hand in hand to create a brighter future for our youth.